Magic Pills for Flu Season

We all want a pill, an herbal remedy, or even a witchy spell if it would make our dang cold disappear. I hate to tell you, but all of the magic potions in the world won’t help if you’re not taking care of yourself.

Or rather, ongoing self-care and stress reduction is that magic pill.

Just not the pill you’d imagined, eh?

Step 1: Knock the stress in your life down one notch (PICK ONE)

  • Carve out 30 extra minutes of sleep

  • Prioritize 30 minutes of daily movement

  • Meal prep a meal or snacks for the week

  • Say “no” to something

  • Sit and breathe for 10 minutes

  • Do a digital detox

Step 2: Magic Pills for Flu Season 

  • Did you know that 75% of the immune system lives inside your gut? It’s the sentry watching and waiting to see if all that comes through your mouth is safe. Probiotics are a great way to keep your gut army, the good bacteria, fully staffed to fight a first-line defense against intruders. Probiotics as food is best. Daily fermented and cultured foods like yogurt, sauerkraut and raw apple cider vinegar do double duty to support your gut and immune system. Otherwise or additionally, a probiotic supplement isn’t a bad idea. 

  • Vitamin D is a critical nutrient for immune function, and as the days get shorter, getting sufficient vitamin D from the sun becomes increasingly difficult. Talk to your doctor to have your levels checked. Most people benefit from supplementation, especially during dark winter months.

Step 3: Immune-boosting nutrients are best-absorbed by the body as food. Plus, tasty nutrients (aka food) double as a form of stress-reduction... once again, the most important of all the magic pills. Mom’s chicken soup aside, I offer you another immune boosting recipe on heavy rotation in my kitchen this season. It’s easily digestible (important), full of anti-inflammatory turmeric, garlic & ginger (helpful), and packs a hit of vitamin C & vegetarian protein, a building block of immune antibodies (double win).

Pea & Spinach Curry

Adapted from my pal, Gwenyth Paltrow, Serves 4

2 tablespoons coconut oil

3 cloves garlic, grated

3 teaspoons fresh ginger, grated

1 teaspoon garam masala

1 teaspoon curry powder

2 cups frozen peas

5 ounces fresh or frozen spinach

5 ounces baby chard or 1 bunch swiss chard, sliced

1 can full-fat coconut milk

½ teaspoon turmeric

1 cup cooked mung beans

1 cup cooked brown or black rice

  1. Melt the coconut oil in a pot over medium heat.

  2. Add garlic, ginger, garam masala and curry powder. Stir to keep from burning, for about 5 minutes, until fragrant.

  3. Add the peas, spinach and coconut milk. Mash or roughly blend with an immersion blender to mash most of the peas, for a thicker, creamier texture.

  4. Add the fresh chard, turmeric, and mung beans. Simmer just until the greens wilt.

  5. Salt to taste and serve over rice.


Sneaky Endocrine Disruptors


Give Thanks to your Body this Thanksgiving